Here is what some of our current members have to say about training with us

Katherine Ng
"I am a 37 year old stay at home mom to 4 kids. Growing up I was never into sports or martial arts. I was overweight, out of shape and I really didn't have self confidence. I met Cesar Pereira through my husband while he was training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I knew right there and then that he was a great teacher because my husband was so motivated to showing up to class. I started training about 2 and half years ago and I can honeslty say that it has changed my life forever. At first I wasn't comfortable being in such close contact with my partners but Cesar helped me overcome that fear. He always made sure I understood the techniques before he continued to the next technique. He is kind, patient and well respected by his students. Now 3 of my girls have been training under Cesar Pereira and they look forward to going to class every week...knowing that our girls are learning self defense at such an early age (5, 7 and 9) from such a reputable instructor gives me and my husband a peace of mind."
Jaiden Daniels
"As a parent of an 11 year old boy that has been doing this sport BJJ for 4 years, has been the best invest I could have ever done. Putting him in BJJ to train with the BEST Cesar Pereira has been absolutely incredible. He started with my son when he was 7. After incidence of bulling on the bus nothing to savior, my husband and I decide to put him in self-defense classes. Yes, like all mothers I turned to Karate, but my husband had a different idea. Something he could apply in case of a problem. Signing him up for BJJ not only shows him self-defense but, courage, commitment, discipline, loyalty, respect, and family. All these techniques Cesar shows and applies in his practices. He believes in his kids and pushes them to strive for better and achieve their goal. It has changed my son's attitude with confidence and not to mention being healthy. He can’t wait for day of practice. I believe in what Instructor Cesar teaches the kids and the love he has for the martial art. His knowledge and admiration for BJJ is incredible. There is no better place than being part of a Family of BJJ member. My review is FIVE STARS."
Micaela D.
Nicole Melendez
"I first began my BJJ journey with Cesar about 2 years ago. My husband and four-year old daughter (who is now 6) trained and I wanted to see what the hype was all about. Little did I know, it would become a major part of my life. As a mother of two children who works full-time, I was reluctant to try something this physical. I was overweight and I was seeing firsthand the results my husband was having with weight loss while he trained. I wanted that. After almost a year of training I competed for the first time. What an amazing feeling.
Cesar has showed patience and persistence with me. Never giving up on me, when I have wanted to give up on myself. His unique way of teaching techniques, breaking down movements so you can truly understand what you are doing is a wonderful skill he has. As a woman I now have a form of defense to protect myself. Cesar has showed me that anything is possible. He has showed me the way, and will continue to show me the way on this bjj journey. "

Brian H.
"I've been training with Cesar for several years, and I highly recommend his school for individuals and families interested in any martial art, or even fitness in general. As a fourth degree blackbelt, Cesar has the depth of knowledge to effectively train high level competitors and people like me, who are balancing training with large families and long hours at a desk. As a 40 year old finance professional, training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu with Cesar has 1) helped me stay in the best shape of my life, 2) helped me effectively deal with stress from work, and 3) has given me a sport that I can share with my kids for their own self defense. Carlson Gracie Stamford is also a place where I feel welcomed walking in the door whether I'm wearing my suit and tie or my workout clothes, it's an incredibly friendly atmosphere."
Marcus Surin
"As I reflect and write this testimony it's difficult to put in words how instrumental Cesar Pereira is in my life; b/c it's more than just words. I am a former high school and Division 1 wrestler so I have been blessed to have many coaches, teammates, and family members that played a role in molding me. One thing that I do know Cesar lit the fire in me to get back into a life of competitive sports and I credit him on helping me become an undefeated Pro MMA fighter. I currently compete at light weight 155.
After college like many athletes I entered the work force and became comfortable; so comfortable that my weight sky rocketed as high as 230lbs (where I wrestled 165 my senior year collegiately). When I walked into his academy he reminded why it was crucial that my mind and body should be sound (balanced), and through his mass knowledge of the art BJJ I was awaken. BJJ like life there would be struggles but it's all about survival...and w/ survival there is knowledge. W/ this knowledge it builds character. Making you a better person. Not everyone that walks into the academy will be fighter but everyone that steps off Professors mats becomes a better person, a stronger person. Thank you always Professor Cesar Pereira"
David Rodriguez
"Before I started training jiu Jitsu about 3 years ago I felt lost and confused. Cesar helped guide me to the place in my life I was supposed to be. He helped me discover something I was pretty good at. The moment I won 3rd place in a big tournament, I fell in love with jiu Jitsu and started to train every day, sometimes multiple times a day. There are no words that could desribe Cesar's incredible instruction. He is great and takes the time to explain every detail he can. He is very dedicated and inspiring. I have become very close with Cesar. He is an amazing person on and off the mats. The team he built (Carlson Gracie Team Stamford) is a great place to be. He has changed many lives through Jiu Jitsu. There is no place I'd rather be than with Cesar and my Jiu Jitsu family on the mats."